Tuesday, December 30, 2014

books 2014

1. Will Ferguson "Hokkaido Highway Blues"
2. David Lebovitz "The Sweet Life in Paris"
3. Michele Anna Jordan & Susan Brady "The World is a Kitchen"
4. Herman Koch "The Dinner"
5. Julie Otsuka "When the Emperor was Divine"
6. Diana Abu-Jaber "The Language of Baklava"
7. Natasha Yim "Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas"
8. John and Jan Belleme "Japanese Foods That Heal"
9. Erica Bauermeister "The Lost Art of Mixing"

Not many books read this year (was too busy playing games on my phone), was there anything special you read this year? Please share in the comments.


  1. " Wave " by Sonali Deraniyagala , who lost her parents , husband and both sons in the Boxing Day Tsunami. A very powerful and touching story of loss, love and grief . Not an easy read , but I really recommend it - an amazing book ! An amazing lady !!

    Totally off the topic of books - thank you so much for introducing me to "Onigirazu" ! Have made it many times since your post and love it !!East to make and easy to eat - perfect !

    Have a great New Year break Kat - are you making Osechi ?

  2. Sorry - posted the last comment as " unknown " ! Enjoy the New Year !

  3. Hey Kat - You did much better than me with books. I only finished Think Like a Freak and haven't barely scratched Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages.

  4. Thanks Joanna, will look into these books :) no I'm "cheating" and buying foods for osechi ;) I'm so happy you like "onigirazu"! Happy 2015!

    You were super busy traveling this year Kirk :)

    Take care you two!


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