Thursday, December 11, 2014

'tis the season

It's supposed to rain all day today, so I've planned to stay indoors and work on our holiday cards...

There is a program we bought when we first came to Japan called "Fudeoh" (foo-day-oh)...similar to "Print Shop" where you can design various cards.

Whenever we changed computers another version had to be bought and I was getting kinda peeved with their scam.

So...this year, I came across a book version that has 2 CDs in it...880 yen (plus tax).

I had asked someone at the electronics store if the book version was similar to the box version....(the box version is 3300 yen (plus tax)).

The person I had asked was representing the box version, said that they were NOT similar and if we wanted to use Fudeoh we would need to purchase the box version...(of course she would say that!)


we bought the book version, uploaded it and it works JUST LIKE the box version...there aren't as many clip arts or fonts, but it works!

I now have to update our address database because our last back-ups were done in 2007...wish me luck!

p.s. it looks like Blogger has turned on the "captcha" thingy even if I have it "off" in my settings...sorry!


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