Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Recently the fruit/vegetable stand I go to had beautiful avocados from Mexico. Usually at the big supermarkets we pay 100 yen or so for a teeny orb, but this time the fruit/veggie stand was selling 2 for 250 yen and they were at least 2 times bigger!

I got this idea from Rachel's blog, La Fuji Mama.

Take a piece of bread and toast it.

Mash up an avocado with some lemon juice.

Top it with an egg cooked to your liking.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner is served.

NOTES: so simple but so delicious! I mashed my avocado with some lemon juice and a little balsamic vinaigrette. I also added a little ground black pepper. I topped my toast with an over-easy egg. And the bread I used was a walnut raisin. I have to admit I added a little too much lemon juice, so it was puckery, but for breakfast, it really woke me up!

What have you been eating?


  1. Yum! Avocado goes with egg really well :)

  2. Wow looks good, I am not an avocado fan, but I would try it.

  3. We're lucky we can get decent priced avocado all year long here.

  4. Whaaa? So interesting. I never knew that avocado + egg = ono.

  5. This looks yummy Kat. Avocado toast is one of my very favorite breakfasts. ;-)

  6. Looks delicious! I love avocado toast too!

  7. different but good, Sheri :)

    I hope you give it a try, Mich :)

    you are lucky, Kirk!

    indeed Jalna :)

    nice Deb!

    K, so good yeah?!

    Take care everyone!


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