Thursday, March 05, 2015

basara usagi-do

I recently tried a tiny cafe inside of the Kintetsu Department Store, called Basara Usagi-do.

They have all sorts of yoshoku (Western style) dishes.

I went with their veggie curry...972 yen (tax included).

Under that renkon (lotus root) is a slice of onion, it was so good!

All the veggies were cooked until the sweetness of them were bursting.

The curry had a slow burn. I like that they gave me just enough rice.

Your choice of coffee or tea comes with the meal. I chose coffee.

I like the atmosphere of this place...I'll be back.

Basara Usagi-do
Kintetsu Uehonmachi 12F
Tennoji, Osaka
Phone: 06.6771.0039
Hours: 10:30-22:00
Open when the department store is


  1. Cute name . . . Basara Usagi-Do. Does it mean anything?

  2. Jalna, according what I googled, "basara" means "wild", "usagi" means "rabbit", "do" means "place" (wild rabbit place)....

    It was Kirk :)

    Take care you two.

  3. it really was K!

    Take care:)


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