Sunday, March 01, 2015

goodbye february, hello march

How are you?

I'm doing fine. Had a lot of "me" time the past couple of days. Satoshi went to help out his baseball alumni with a baseball event, so he's been in Himeji.

Friday, I went to Happy Camper Bagel and picked up some bagels.

I didn't realize they also made an-bagels. Their version of anpan uses a walnut bagel dough filled with chunky sweet bean paste.

This was good toasted.

Saturday, the weather was sunny-ish with some clouds.

I checked out Suigetsu Park and more ume were in bloom.

Today, we have rain. It seems like every 3 days or so we have rain...

Am looking forward to spending time with various family members and friends coming to Japan this month.

Have a nice week, talk to you again soon.


  1. Glad you are well and taking time to smell (and photograph) the flowers Kat!

  2. Mmm, an an-bagel sounds delicious!

  3. thanks Kirk! Hope you are doing fine too:)

    it was really good K!

    Take care you two:)


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