Saturday, March 14, 2015

spring-y sushi

Sakuradai is a name they give to madai (red sea bream).

Apparently, madai that is caught in the Seto-naikai (the seas along the coast of Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu) area during this time of year is at its best...lots of abura (fat) on it.

I'm not too certain as to why they give the madai the name of sakura-dai.

There are also types of sushi that decorate the madai flesh with sakura (cherry blossoms) and the salted leaves of sakura.

The other night we went to a conveyor belt sushi shop in our neighborhood and tried their sakuradai sushi.

It was decorated with seasoned sakura blossoms and a dab of wasabi. Super fresh and nice with a squeeze of lemon.

Another item we tried was the takenoko sushi.

The takenoko (bamboo shoot) is grilled then, topped with a sweet soy sauce and a sprig of kinome (Japanese pepper sprout).

The combination of hot and cold was different but the tender bamboo shoot, so good!

I'm glad we got to try these.


  1. The takenoko looks quite interesting Kat!

  2. definitely different Kirk but really good:)

    Take care!

  3. I've never heard of bamboo shoot sushi until now- looks delicious!

  4. interesting (and delicious-lookng) idea for the bamboo shoot sushi - gonna try it with some canned shoots.

  5. Ooh, interesting flavors!

  6. very different but very good HoiYan!

    I hope it works for you Rowena!

    definitely different K!

    Take care everyone :)


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