Wednesday, March 25, 2015

the past couple of days

Sorry it's been quiet here.

Friday, Aunty M came to Japan and stayed with us.

Saturday, the weather was sunny and WARM, so we headed to Nakayama Temple to check out the ume (apricot blossoms)...beautiful!

Dinner that night was pupu party style...all sorts of stuff, including leftovers...

Sunday, the weather was again really nice, so we packed a bento and went on a little picnic at Suigetsu Park.

The ume were almost over here so it was nice to sit in the sun.

Dinner that night was again pupu party style.

This time we had 2 bottles of wine and lots of nibbles.

Monday...cold snap! we didn't do much of anything...

Tuesday, Aunty joined up with her tour group.

Lots of eating, walking and talking.

We hope she enjoys the rest of her trip around Japan!


  1. Kat:
    My GF is a "white girl" from Iowa. I was thinking of taking her Japan for a vacaction. I would like some ideas from you. Can you email me at my email address so I can ask you some questions?


  2. Aww, so nice. Glad you're ok. Was wondering.

  3. Hi Alan, your email doesn't show for some reason, please email me at Thanks:)

    Sorry I made you worry Jalna:)

    Take care you two!

  4. Good to know all is well Kat! Lovely photos and that's quite a bento.

  5. The food looks delicious, especially the picnic food!


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