Monday, April 20, 2015

balyet toffee

Last year, Isetan Department Store closed (well most of it did, they kept some restaurants and parts of the food floor open).

Then, earlier this month, Lucua 1100 (pronounced ee-ray) opened in its place.

Lots of shops and also lots of food places too.

One of my friends on social media posted a photo of the toffee she bought, so I went to check it out.

Balyet Toffee is located in the food hall of Lucua 1100.

They make different types of toffee and also pair them with different blends of coffee.

They sell it in 5/8 ounce pieces. I bought some different toffees for us to try.

Pistachio No6...basic toffee with a dark chocolate layer and lots of pistachios.

Allspice & Nibs...basic toffee with a dark chocolate layer, allspice and cacao nibs.

Jumble Peeps...basic toffee with a milk chocolate layer, nuts (pecan, cashew) and orange peel.

I liked how these don't stick to your teeth. My favorite was the pistachio.

I'll be back to check them out again when they change their flavors.

Balyet Toffee (UPDATE: 2/2017 the food hall is no longer there)
Lucua 1100 Food Hall B2
Phone: 06.4301.3802
Open when Lucua 1100 is


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