Wednesday, April 01, 2015

sakura walk

Monday, I went to check out the various spots around our area for sakura (cherry blossoms).

I'd say it was about 50% in bloom.

One area near the Minoo station has replaced some of the older trees with new ones and they also fixed the sidewalk area around the trees.

It's a great time to be in Japan. A great time to be out and about.


  1. Cherry blossoms are blooming fully in Tokyo now and I'm so excited to upload photos on my sites... Happy to see how it is like in Osaka! Beautiful!

  2. Yay!! We'll be there next week!

  3. nice Kozue:)

    not to dampen your spirits Jalna, but cherry blossom may be over by next week, it's raining now...pray for "no wind", so at least some will be on the trees!

    Take care you two!

  4. I was worried about that. At least not gonna hamper my SHOPPING! LOL!!


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