Wednesday, September 02, 2015

made it...and a funny story

Made it back. We were actually scheduled to arrive early but had to wait for some kind of clearance so we ended up landing at the original arrival time.

The plane was filled with lots of families with little ones, so it was quite noisy. I was seated in between of two men, one who kept dozing off on my shoulder...geez!

I got to see "Mamma Mia" which was a nice musical and "Inside Out".

Immigration was krazy with all the visiting foreigners, I'm glad they re-vamped the way foreigners living in Japan go through, so we don't have to wait in the krazy lines!

The weather has gotten significantly cooler, and there was a slight drizzle yesterday.

Since I was arriving on a weekday, I asked Satoshi to pick up some things over the weekend, so that we could have breakfast the day after I came back.

Well, this is what happens when you ask your husband who grew up in the city to buy bananas...he sticks them in the fridge.

He then was shocked that they turned black.

After rolling on the floor with laughter...I told him "when have you ever seen bananas in the refridge? they are tropical fruits and need the "warmth" of the outside"

Of course, afterwards, Satoshi says, "Kat, you don't need to blog about this"

Oh, but I must!

Needless to say, most of the bananas were inedible this morning.

On the up side, we tried blog reader, Ryan's mom's ohelo (oh-hello) berry jam. So good! If you are not familiar with ohelo berries they are similar to cranberries.

Thanks again Ryan!

I need to re-train my sleep pattern so as not to wake up at 4:30 when my "niece" used to wake the household to be fed her breakfast.

I hope my bags will be delivered on time today, am interested to see if TSA touched the insides or not.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. Glad you made it back spite of the dude dozing off. I once sat next to a guy who smelled totally like cumin....nice if you're eating lamb, not so great when the guy next to you smells that way!

  2. glad I made you smile, Jalna :)

    gah, that would be the worst, Kirk!

    Take care you two.

  3. "Kat, you don't need to blog about this" ahahaha!! Love it.

  4. I can't stand when seat neighbors touch me, much less sleep on my shoulder! And on such a long flight. Booo.

  5. LJ, he's so funny :)

    Sheri, both guys on either side were hogging the armrests too :(

    Take care you two.

  6. of course you had to blog about it!, but don't worry Satoshi, because by next week we will have forgotten all about it.

  7. so true Rowena...maybe :)

    lol K :)

    Take care you two.


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