Friday, October 09, 2015

peanut nishime

After trying peanut nishime in Tokoname, I wanted to re-create it.

My mom and aunties make nishime, mostly for special occasions (or whenever my Grandma wants to eat it) but I've never written down their recipe.

I've also never tried making it myself.

Apparently, adding peanuts to nishime is a southern Japan thing.

I looked online and there were many recipes to choose from.

I adapted this one a bit because the original recipe did not specify how much dashi to use.

Also, the original recipe had chicken in it and I wanted to leave it out.

I was happy that when I went to Kobe, I found raw peanuts at the halal store.

Peanut Nishime : adapted from the internet

handful of peanuts (raw)
4-inch piece of renkon, cut into 1-inch slices then cubed
1 carrot, cubed
1/2 konnyaku (devil's tongue jelly, about the size of your palm), use a spoon to make bite sized pieces
16-inch piece of gobo, cleaned and cut into 1-inch pieces
2 cups dashi (stock)
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons mirin (sweet rice wine)
3 tablespoons shoyu (soy sauce)
3 tablespoons sake (rice wine)
1 cup water

Put all ingredients into a pot and put in 1 cup of water.
Bring to a boil.
Then put an oshibuta (drop lid) on for 10 minutes, drop heat to medium
After 10 minutes, take the oshibuta off and add the dashi, sugar, mirin, shoyu & sake
Cook on medium for 20 minutes.

NOTES: I cooked this until the peanuts were half-cooked because I like that "crunch". Cook longer if you want the veggies and peanuts to be tender.

At first I used 4 cups of dashi but ended up with way too much "soup", so I would cut it back to 2 cups.

I have a little more peanuts and "soup" left, so I will definitely make this again (soon)!

Hope you have a nice weekend, we have a 3-day weekend here.


  1. Oh my.....Nishime...the bane of my existence....looks quite nice Kat. Every year, I tell myself I'll never make it again....

  2. oh thanks for sharing this! the renkon and gobo will have to be subbed with something else, but I should be able to put this together, no problem.

  3. I love nishime, and even umami and oden. But I cannot imagine those dishes without some protein in them -- like chicken or pork. And adding peanuts is something I have never tried, but it makes sense. There are lots of Chinese dishes that add peanuts, and I think that Okinawan Rafute sometimes has peanuts in it too.

  4. It was my first time, it is quite tedious to get all the ingredients together...gotta make it again to use up the ingredients before my mood changes, Kirk...

    Hope you like it Rowena, if you can get your hands on araimo (dasheen), green beans, you could put some in, also you could put some chicken in too.

    I don't usually eat oden too much Alan, but can understand why everyone likes it when the weather get cooler.

    Thanks K!

    Jalna, fun yeah?!

    Take care everyone!


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