Thursday, November 26, 2015

happy thanksgiving

Sorry it's been quiet here, not much happening.

Well, the temps they took a dive and it is kinda fahreezing. The sun hasn't been around either so it has been really grey.

We don't really celebrate Thanksgiving here, in fact, Satoshi has to work late tonight, so I'll be having dinner alone.

I did make some glazed kabocha for dinner using this recipe.

I also made some Japanese cole slaw.

Later on today, I plan to pick up some grilled chicken from a yakitori shop in our shopping arcade, to be eaten with cranberry chutney.

It's the time of the year that I miss family and friends the most.

I hope you are spending your Thanksgiving with the ones you love.

I'm grateful for the good days (and the bad ones) and appreciate you being a part of all of it.

Enjoy the holidays!


  1. Hi Kat! we will set an imaginary spot for you at the table tonight so you can celebrate with us -- making turkey and prawn paella for the main meal, and cranberry spritzer plus assorted danish cheese for aperitivo. sending you guys some sun, even if it's cold these days.

  2. Hey, Kat!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you. I hope that you aren't too homesick today. I find that watching my 3 favorite christmas movies (Love Actually, The Holiday, and Elf) always brighten my day.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving Kat !!

    Thank you for all the interesting posts and recipes - really enjoy finding out what is happening on the coffee shop / restaurant scene in Osaka !

    Talking about Osaka I will be visiting in January , any tips on good ( cheap ) all you can eat restaurants and nice coffee shops and bakeries ? I am staying in Uehonmachi , but will spend a lot of time in Umeda and Namba too .

    I can not wait to be in Osaka again and to see my friends - I miss that place so much !

    Anyway, thank you again for all your posts !

    Joanna ( now in Victoria BC )

  4. Thanks for the sun Rowena:) hope you guys ate a lot!

    Nice Gtrine! I am actually listening to Christmas music these days :)

    Take care you two!

  5. Hi Joanna,

    There is Talo Coffee near the Uehonmachi station :
    Basara Usagi-do inside Kintetsu Department store:
    Cafe Noto Coffee
    Boulangerie Iena
    White Bird Coffee

    And on and on :)
    Enjoy your trip!
    Take care.

  6. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Kat! Personally, I'm liking this weather....might just be the novelty....

  7. it's probably because it was warm for longer than normal Kirk, I'll probably love it when flurries hit Osaka:)

    Take care!

  8. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to you!

  9. hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, K!

    Take care.


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