Monday, November 02, 2015

(not really) on the lanai

It's raining today, and the temps have dropped quite a bit. Just wanted to show you what is happening on the lanai (or actually in our living room).

I brought these plants indoors to avoid frost getting them...Ranunculus. I hope this gives more than the one bloom that it did last year.

Cilantro is really perky.

along with the Swiss Chard

Kale, kinda stunted.

Ti leaf...I can't believe this one took. It was part of a flower arrangement and had some roots so I took a chance and planted it.

Anything exciting going on in your garden?


  1. a ti leaf that took?! oh man, if could find ti plants here, I would do everything possible to grow them year round -- laulau ain't the same with banana leaves.

  2. Awww, so cute your garden. Me, I'm still fixated on Meyer lemons. In fact, I got some from the swap meet yesterday and am gonna try do the seedling thing again.

  3. Looks like a nice variety Kat!

  4. it was with some cut flowers and after awhile it started producing roots in the water, Rowena:)

    Hope your Meyer lemons take, Jalna!

    Thanks K!

    Take care everyone:)


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