Friday, November 13, 2015


It's almost the middle of November and the daytimes are still pretty warm. It has kept me wondering how to dress.

It's a catch-22, without a light scarf it is cold, with it you perspire...

Anyway, the sakura (cherry) tree leaves have changed colors.

A lot of higher elevation areas have their momiji (maple) leaves already starting...

Hopefully the weather will turn around, the weekdays have been sunny while the weekends have been rainy.

Not too fun to get out and about.

How have your walks been?

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. yesterday on the news it was all about weather and its negative effects -- "temps above the norm" "higher concentration of pollution" and stuff like that which is making people a little irritated.

  2. I'm getting antsy to see the fall foliage here Rowena, am hoping we'll have a nice sunny weekend soon :)

    Take care!


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