Thursday, December 03, 2015

daily stuff

Yesterday, just as I was about to print out a sample of our nengajo (New Years card), our printer literally sizzled out of existence.

We decided not to replace the printer, we hardly use it.

If we really need to print something out, we can do so at the convenience store as long as the data is on a USB memory stick.

We also decided that our nengajo this year will be "old skool"...handwritten and decorated with rubber stamps.

Since today is rainy, I have been working on the ones I want to send to friends and family in Hawaii, the US mainland and other worldwide destinations.

The muscles in my writing arm are getting a loud reminder that they rarely get used these days with computers and smartphones...

Hope your week is going well.


  1. Five years ago we got a free printer when we bought some.....I can't even remember what. It's still in the box. I can just run down to the nearest office store and print something if I need it, so your post really hit home.

  2. It is amazing how convenient things have gotten, Kirk :)

    Take care.

  3. I know what you mean Kat , I just finished all my Christmas cards! Have fun stamping !
    Thank you for the info on all the coffee shops .Will try to go to all of them in January.


  4. writing all that out will make your recipients that much more appreciative, and it makes my wrist hurt just thinking about it.

  5. Thank you Joanna! I hope you enjoy your trip. If you are coming during the New Year holiday, just be careful that these shops may be on holiday as well :)

    Thanks Anon:)

    Take care you two.

  6. Sorry about your printer Kat! I just finished up my holiday cards earlier this week as well :o)

  7. I guess we weren't using it as much K, so maybe the ink kinda got dried up inside?! Glad you finished your cards:)

    Take care.


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