Monday, December 21, 2015

super easy kim chee gyoza

I saw this done on a television show but adapted it.

Super easy kim chee gyoza : adapted from Hirano Remi's recipe : makes 2

30 gyoza wrappers
200 grams minced pork
50 grams kim chee

Mix your pork and kim chee together, set aside
In a 6-7 inch (15-17 centimeter) pan put a little water and 1/2 tablespoon of oil
Overlap 7 or 8 gyoza wrappers in a circle.
Put half of the meat mixture onto the wrappers
Then cover with another 7 or 8 gyoza wrappers
Press down slightly on the top wrappers
Turn heat on to medium-low and cover your pan
Cook for about 4 minutes.
Take the gyoza out of the pan and add some oil to the pan
Then flip the gyoza over and turn the heat on to low.
Add a little more water and cook for another 4 minutes.
Repeat and use the other half of the meat mixture for another gyoza.

NOTES: I used sesame oil but you could use a different oil. You can use a pizza cutter to cut for easier serving.
If you use a bigger pan, it may be harder to flip. This was fun, easy and I like how crisp the outsides got.
I'm making this again.


  1. Hi your recipe says put half the meat on the gyoza....what do you do with the remaining half? Mahalo

  2. sorry Anon, you are making two, so with the other half you make another, I will adjust my post, Thanks!

    Take care.

  3. If you try this I hope you like it K :)

    Take care.

  4. Thanks Kat ! Love gyoza , but find it too fiddly to make for just two people.This is so much easier !

  5. hope you like this Unknown :)

    Take care.

  6. What a great fast way to name gyoza! I'm definitely trying this.

  7. hope Wendell will make this for you Jalna :)

    Su-Lin, I forgot to mention that the lady who created this recipe said that, "no matter what it looks like, when you eat it is is gyoza", hope you like this if you have a chance to make this.

    Take care you two.


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