Monday, February 22, 2016

gyoza & beer

Saturday, it rained

Friday, I stocked up on foods so that we wouldn't have to venture out in the rain.

For dinner, I made gyoza.

I think I finally got the cooking of gyoza down...

The bottoms came out crisp and the tops were chewy.

I tried this beer by Minoh Beer called Godfather 4 dedicated to their founder who passed away a couple of years ago.

This stout was nice with a hint of yuzu.

How was your weekend?


  1. The gyoza looks delicious!

  2. Looks good Kat! Funny, that's what we basically had when Typhoon Vong Fong hit and we were in Kyoto.

  3. we're experiencing crazy weather - snow one day, rain the next, snow again and then yesterday, sun and 24°C??? wth? gonna start tomato seeds today.

  4. Thanks K!

    that is funny Kirk :)

    arigato Jalna :)

    ooh tomatoes, hope you get a lot this year, Rowena :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Love reading your blog! It gives me a sneak peek of Japanese life :)


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