Wednesday, February 17, 2016

takaminoen meyer lemon juice

My host brother's wife recently gave me this bottle of meyer lemon juice.

I remember many years back when my blog friend Rona asked me to look around online for meyer lemons for is exciting to see food items slowly making their way into our markets here.

This happens to be from Mie Prefecture.

So far, I've used it on sautéed shrimp.

This doesn't have preservatives, so I'll have to use it up quickly.

Thank you, K!


  1. Why don't you try freezing the juice? pour them into little ice trays or containers like one of 2 tablespoons each. That way, you have them on hand later!

  2. I remember that! One of the places that supposedly grew them ran out, so I was never able to order any. But now I can get them during certain times of the year, so I am not so deprived.

    I'm glad you can meyer lemon goods more easily now, so you won't be so deprived, either!

  3. Thanks V!

    me too Jalna :)

    Thanks Kirk :)

    I'm glad you can get them too Rona :)

    Take care everyone!

  4. your host family are such wonderfully generous people. wish my immediate inlaws were like that.

  5. I wish your inlaws were nicer too Rowena :)

    Take care.


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