Tuesday, April 05, 2016


Family friend D, was here on a short trip and was able to squeeze us in for lunch and shopping.

We checked out a huge DIY place and then went to IKEA. Lunch was curry at San Marco (no photos).

D brought us some homemade energy bars and this cute dish towel. (Thank you!)

Even though it was a short visit, we enjoyed catching up with D. We hope he had a nice time in Japan too.

After we said our goodbyes, Satoshi and I headed to our favorite spot in Minoo to check out the cherry blossoms.

I'd say it was 70-80% in full bloom.

Even though the weather turned cloudy in the afternoon, all in all, it was a nice day.


  1. The sakura flowers are so pretty!

    What are the energy bars made up of?

  2. kinda like rice krispie treats, Julie, they are usually made with peanut butter, marshmallows & butter. This version also had dried fruits and pretzels.

    Take care!

  3. Love the sherry blossoms Kat!

  4. me too Kirk :)

    it was Jalna :)

    Take care you two.


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