Thursday, May 26, 2016


Yesterday, we had a bit of "excitement"

As Satoshi opened the door to our shoe closet, two of the three hinges "snapped" and the door was being held up by the last hinge at the bottom.

Satoshi called the building manager then left for work.

The building manager came to take a look at it and said that he would need to call someone to come and fix it.

Later that day, two men came to "fix" it.

They gave me kind of a weird vibe as one was wearing a suit and the other was wearing a workman jumpsuit.

They took a look at the door and said "whoa? it is big".

The guy in the jumpsuit then takes out this teeny ratchet looking screwdriver thingy and proceeded to take off the top hinge so that he could look for the same thing.

I was thinking "you gonna take forever with that teeny screwdriver" and he did.

So the door was hanging on by last hinge on the bottom and they were gonna leave the door like that until they could come back to fix it...

I said, "um, so is it safe to leave the door like this?"

They said, "no".

So I said, "so could you take the door off?"

"Oh you want us to take it off? we can do that"...sigh.

In the end, it took even longer because the guy had to take all the hinges off (with that teeny screwdriver) to get the door off...

And apparently it will take a week to find the parts...

Still I'm thankful our building manager moves quickly.

Anything exciting happening where you are?


  1. A week to find parts? Seems strange.

  2. hoping it will be quicker than that, Jalna :)

    Take care.

  3. good grief, what had to ASK them to take the dang door off? geez
    oh, and not exactly what I'd call exciting, but at my mammo exam the other day, the male nurse manipulated "the girls" WITHOUT gloves. So I got touched with other dna from the previous patients. I dunno if it's because of budget cuts to the hospital or what, but they've ALWAYS used gloves while positioning boobs. I hope they use gloves when doing anal inspections (not that I need one anyway).

  4. Rowena, WT?! I would be totally traumatized if a) it were a dude nurse and b) no gloves touching the "girls"....hope you get back good results :)

    Take care!

  5. Yeow....sounds like a really bad scene from some kind of comedy show.

  6. oh we always get male nurses for the mammo and ecograph thingy with the gel. the way tits are flaunted on tv and in real life (I can't get how female newscasters can think it's okay to have low necklines), boobs are no big deal. doctors seen them all already, so I waltz into the xray room with "the girls" face front as if saying hello! results all good!

  7. so funny Rowena, glad the results were good!

    Take care.

  8. Ugh I hope they fixed it!

  9. K, nope everyone says it can't be done...sigh.

    Take care.


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