Wednesday, May 18, 2016

nuts soaked in honey

Nuts soaked in honey is trending here...

I'm not sure where this originated but remember seeing them in Paris at their markets.

Instead of buying the ones that I've seen at the markets here, I made my own.

Nuts Soaked in Honey : makes 1 bottle

Your favorite nuts (toasted, roasted or not), preferably unsalted
Your favorite honey

Fill a bottle with your favorite nuts and then drizzle the honey in to fill in the crevices.

Wait a couple of days before using.

NOTES: Super easy and delicious on plain yogurt.

Another way I've seen this used is on salad, which I hope to try soon.

I think this would also make nice gifts.

Have you ever seen/tried nuts soaked in honey? Please tell me how you used them.


  1. I've seen them in supermarkets but I prefer my honey&nuts separate. definitely sounds like a french thing though.

  2. I thought the nuts would get "soggy" but surprisingly they haven't, Rowena :)

    Take care.

  3. I actually had tastes of these on market day in Sarlat and other places in Dordogne. Supposed to be good for you, right Kat?

  4. supposedly Kirk :)

    so good Jalna :)

    Take care you two.


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