Friday, May 13, 2016

things I'm liking (disliking)

It's been quite awhile since I've done a post on things I'm liking (disliking)...starting with disliking...

This biscoff ice cream bar.

It could've had more cookie bits in it (way more). It was a nice treat and I'm glad I tried it.

This hiyashi chuuka from Family Mart.

I was all excited to see "red" char siu. The sweet type that I grew up with in Hawaii on this hiyashi chuuka.

Unfortunately, it was so!

Loving this Indian fried snack by Haldiram's Nagpur.

The fried "things" (spices, seeds and other things) in there are quite small, so I eat it with a a savory granola/cereal.

Quite spicy but so good.

I'm thinking sprinkled on salad would be nice.

Tried this Pablo Beni-imo tarte ice cream.

The layer of beni-imo (Okinawan sweet potato) ice cream was so good.

What have you been enjoying?


  1. you know that we try to dial down the sugar consumption but I gotta admit that I/we are stuck on that anvac cookie that you shared. I've made the NIgella recipe 5 times already!

  2. Too bad about the dry char siu Kat! Hope you find some good stuffs!

  3. Rowena, you cookie monsters... :)glad you liked that recipe, I really like it because of all those seeds in there!

    me too Kirk :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Hey! "Beni imo"! The gal at Waimana eggs who made the supah ono mochi told me that she uses "beni imo flakes". I had to look it up when I got home.

  5. Jalna, so ono beni-imo!

    Take care.

  6. Oh man I wish they had that Biscoff ice cream here!

  7. this one was a bit disappointing K, but nice to try.

    Take care.


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