Monday, September 19, 2016

keiro no hi

Today is a national holiday, Keiro no hi (Respect for the Aged Day).

It is a day to thank the elderly for their contributions to society over the years and to celebrate their longevity.

I think in America they have a day around this time of year called Grandparents Day.

While I don't have grandparents anymore, I still appreciate all that they have done for me.

Love and miss you guys!


  1. What great photos Kat! And thanks for the reminder to think about, appreciate, and honor all that my grandparents did for me.

  2. enjoy the day, LJ!

    Take care.

  3. Thanks Jalna, me too :)

    Take care.

  4. What a nice post Kat. My grandfather in Japan recently passed earlier this month after a very long, full life, so it was nice to also remember him on this day!

  5. so sorry to hear about your grandfather, K! Sending you a hug!

    Take care.


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