Thursday, September 01, 2016

things I'm liking

Some things I'm liking...

These fruit juices by Shine & Shine, a Hong Kong company.

I'd been noticing people on Instagram posting pics about this juice and found some at Family Mart (convenience store).

The grapefruit was 100% fruit juice, very pulpy. And the berry is a mixture of strawberry & blueberry, but only 65% because I'm guessing that they dilute it with water.

A bit pricey at 398 yen a bottle, but nice to know they sell these types of juices at the convenience store.


It's fig season, and we've been enjoying them at breakfast.

On toast with cream cheese and a little honey.

In yogurt.

We've also had some with bleu cheese and coppa (ham).


Growing up I didn't appreciate leftovers.

Probably because we ate them for more than one or two meals.

Now that I need to do the cooking though, I get it!

We had pork togan (wintermelon) the other night.

More togan than pork, but enough for two meals.

It isn't that cool to be cooking or eating soupy things though, but I am appreciating leftovers.

The other week I made ratatouille and topped them with some spicy sardines.

The first time we ate this with whole wheat couscous.

The second night just as is.

Do you like leftovers?

What are you enjoying these days?

It's the start of September already, too fast!


  1. It is "suddenly September" Kat! The Missus can eat the same dish for days on, not so much. I do miss the Lawson and Family Marts.....

  2. I'm waiting for purple turkish figs to show up in the produce all-time favorites! oh, and hardly any leftovers at ours since I mainly cook enough for only 2 servings, with the exception of pizza which I just LOVE cold for breakfast along with coffee!

  3. definitely love the "convenience" of the convenience stores here, Kirk!

    mmm cold pizza is something I've not had in awhile Rowena!

    Take care you two.

  4. Yum those juices sound good!

  5. they were delicious, K!

    Take care.


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