Wednesday, September 28, 2016

we're 11

We're 11 today...Can you believe it?

I still can't believe how long I have kept this blog going.

Most bloggers that were around when I first started, have stopped blogging.

I must admit, the amount of comments have decreased over the years.

Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there still reading blogs?!

I do appreciate the friendships made over the years and look forward to sharing more adventures.

Thank you!


  1. Hi Kat!
    Yes, there still are blog readers out here. I'm a lurker - I'm not sure how I found out about you, but I've been following you for a while. ;-) I enjoy reading Hawaii-based blogs, and yours is even more interesting because you're in Japan! I hope to get there some day - it's on my bucket list. Keep up the good writing.

  2. Wow! Congrats on 11! You don't look a day over 10! I must admit, I don't read many blogs any more, but I do like to read yours whenever I get a chance. I like that your posts are usually pretty short, include an interesting photo and a personal insight or experience, and sometimes ask for our input. I also appreciate that you always respond to comments. I hope you continue with your blog for many more years to come! Thank you for your friendship and for enlightening my corner of the world with your lovely words and pictures.

  3. Oh actually your blog is one of the very few ones which I regularly read: Crisp and honest posts. A true insight into culture and life. Very interesting and entertaining! Thank you so much and congratulations for keeping it up for such a long time! Fabian

  4. Happy Birthday! I don't always comment, but I do look daily for you, Jalna, Kay, and Les! :) Mich

  5. haha I loved sunnyellow's comment about being a lurker! blogs aren't as popular as before, but they are still very useful for finding information, and they are also great as an online journal of sorts so that you can look back on what you did. I write mine for my grandkids that I hope to have one day...too bad my grandparents and greatparents didn't have blogs back then. oh the stories they could tell!

  6. aw thank you Sunny :)

    Thank you Sheri :)

    aw thank you Fabian :)

    Thank you Mich :)

    I know Rowena! if my grandparents on my Dad's side had blogs...chee hoo! I know they had some stories to tell.

    Take care everyone!

  7. I read your blog regularly. Thank you for posting your blog entries - each entry is very interesting to me! I enjoy learning about Japan through your experiences.

    I am originally from Oahu and then moved to Seattle, WA about 20 years ago. My son is a year away from finishing up high school and wants to go to university in Japan on the Global 30 program where he can get an undergrad degree in Japan that is taught in English. We went to Japan this summer to look at schools. He loves it in Japan.

  8. Congrats Kat, that's quite the accomplishment! Cheers to 11 years!

  9. Hi Kat,
    After changing jobs I found that I no longer had time for my blog (MadeHealthier). But I still enjoy reading yours everyday! Congrats on 11 years!! -L

  10. Over a decade Kat! That's awesome!

  11. Still here, lurking, and enjoying the blog. Thanks for keeping it up. 11 ys is awesome.


  12. I haven't been reading for 11 years, but it's been at least 6. I LOVE your blog and always look forward to your adventures. One day when I finally make it to Japan I'll use your blog as a guide. I hope you keep on sharing and as long as you do I'll keep on reading! I love your stories and your photos. Alison

  13. I read you daily through Jalna's blog. I love your blog cuz you take us 'with' you so I can experience the food and sights of Japan thru your eyes. I rarely comment just like reading your blog, I also follow you on FB. -NH

  14. I don't comment, but like your blog. My son and family live in Japan and it's nice to read about your adventures. Love he pictures of food!!! Have read 2 of the books listed on your blog. Keep blogging!

  15. I read your blog a regularly - love the recipes and photos .
    Must say I do feel a bit odd about being just a lurker ... maybe I should comment more ...

  16. WOW!!! Awesome accomplishment. Wishing you many more years to come!

  17. That sounds awesome Purple Lady, I hope he will enjoy his studies in Japan!

    Thank you LJ!

    Thank you L, I was wondering what happened to your blog!

    Thank you Kirk!

    Thank you MS!

    aw thank you Alison :)

    Thank you NH!

    aw thank you Kentucky Lady!

    Thank you Jo :)

    Thank you Jalna :)

    Take care everyone!

  18. I'm still here! I read your blog and drool over the delicious food that you manage to find.

    I've been blogging for a long time too, but mine is more of a diary and my life isn't all that exciting anymore, so no one reads it!

  19. Thank you Helen! I appreciate it :)

    Thank you K!

    Take care you two.

  20. Congrats on 11 years! I'm not sure how I found your blog, but I've enjoyed reading it for several years now. I enjoying reading about food and Japanese culture. And since you're from Hawaii, your blog has a unique local-ness that I especially like. Here's to another 11 years of blogging.

  21. Thank you so much Teri! I appreciate your comment :)

    Take care.


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