Friday, October 07, 2016

kurokawa dahlia park

Since we loved our visit last year, we went to check them out again this year.

I didn't have much food in my refrig to make a decent bento, so we just made do with what we had.

Tamagoyaki (rolled omelette), some cabbage and onion sauteed with olive oil & pepper, half a fig and 3 kinds of musubi.

We received another packet of seeds, I hope this year we'll be able to grow some dahlias that will flower.

It was super humid and the temps went back to August miserably hot.

Still, with all the rain, typhoons and such, it was nice to bond with nature for a little while.


  1. Very pretty! No insects this year? So cute Satoshi goes with you.

  2. thank goodness no insects, Jalna :)

    glad you enjoyed them Kirk!

    Take care you two.

  3. good luck on the seeds, but is it also possible to buy tubers? over here it's more common to purchase tubers -- I don't think I've ever seen dahlia seeds.

  4. I will keep my eye out for tubers Rowena, or plants that have already been started:)

    Take care!


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