Saturday, October 22, 2016

tohoku omiyage

From Aomori : We got lots of apple things like these dried apples.

There were only about 10 pieces in the bag but were individually wrapped, perfect for snacking, though not ecologically friendly.

Apple tea, and an Aomori Blend filter drip coffee packet.

The tea is apple flavored, but the coffee is a nice chocolatey blend (not apple flavored).

Pickled garlic, shiso wrapped anzu (apricots) and shiso wrapped apple pickles

From Ooma: Maguro simmered in shoyu, konbu, sugar...good with rice.

Dried tako legs to make kamameshi (rice cooked with dashi (stock), veggies, shoyu, mirin, and other items like seafood, chestnuts, gobo (burdock))

Kinoi sake.

Aomori Nebuta Beer (Pilsner).

From Ishinomaki: I actually ordered these t-shirts and bumper stickers online because their shop, Tohoku Kazoku, wasn't open the day we were in Ishinomaki.

Since we only travelled with backpacks and weren't going to check our bags into the aircraft, we didn't bring back any liquids.

Things we ate/drank that we didn't bring back:

Aomori: Apple sweet! and they don't add sugar.

Sparkling apple alcohol, just fizz.

Apple Pie...buttery crust and lots of filling with a little custard, so good!

Sendai: Zunda mochi..soft mochi that is covered with mashed soy beans mixed with sugar

Sasakamaboko (fish paste that is steamed in the shape of bamboo leaves (sasa)).

Hope you enjoyed our omiyage.


  1. Wow Kat, what a spread of omiyage! The maguro makes me want to have tea rice! Mich

  2. Love your blog! Actually, you can bring liquids on Japanese flights. Please check.

  3. You got some yummy looking stuff!

  4. I agree with anonymous - I was surprised to see folks bring liquids through security at both Sapporo and Narita. We just got back from a trip there and were also in Aomori!


  5. excellent stash! (and also the ones that couldn't be hauled back home).

  6. sounds good Mich, will give it a try :)

    ooh thanks Anon!

    Thanks Jalna :)

    interesting Alan, thanks!

    thanks Rowena :)

    Take care everyone!


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