Wednesday, November 23, 2016


If you've been reading this blog for awhile, I think you know how much I love MUJI.

I recently saw this "make your own gift" can on television.

They come in 3 sizes.

The top is sealed.

You need to fill the can from the bottom.

It holds quite a bit.

They recommend not putting in anything too fragile and not over stuffing it.

Then pop the bottom on.

I decorated the can with masking tape.

Then I wrapped the plastic box with craft paper so that I could write the address on it...and sent it off.

Cool, yeah?!

p.s. Today is a National Holiday Kinro Kansha no Hi


  1. Love the idea ! Muji is really good , always buy a LOT there when I visit Osaka .
    Happy Thanksgiving Kat ! Are you cooking anything special ?

  2. Jalna, fun yeah?!

    Jo, not cooking anything special, just trying to use up some ingredients in my fridge tonight :) hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    Take care you two.

  3. That's really cool Kat. I'm gonna look for that when we're back in Japan.

  4. let us know if you will coming back this way Kirk, will be nice to hang out! :)

    Take care.


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