Thursday, November 17, 2016


I recently made a batch of Ellie Krieger's Apple Pecan Muffins.

I added some kanso okara (dry okara) in place of half of the flour amount.

I'm glad that this muffin still turned out very moist.

Though I was bummed that the adjustable element in my oven, decided to adjust itself while the batch of muffins were baking and the muffin papers got a bit scorched.

At least there wasn't a fire (though it kind of smelled like it), and the muffins didn't taste smoky.

How's your week going?


  1. Amazing how you can improvise and make things healthier!

  2. sometimes these appliances have a mind of their own :o

  3. Oh no.....sounds like a possible fire hazard Kat!

  4. I agree Rowena :p

    which is why I always stay close by, Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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