Monday, January 23, 2017

rice bags

I recently bought a bag of rice.

I usually buy rice that is packaged in plastic bags and usually only buy 2 kilos (about 5 pounds) at a time.

Anyway, while the bag itself is sturdy, I was shocked that it was just tied at the top.

The bag wasn't even sealed!

Sometimes I think Japan is a little too trusting...


  1. That looks like good rice! I sometimes buy locally milled rice and it comes in similar-looking tie bags .

  2. Jalna, this rice is "brand name", tsuya-hime (literally shiny princess). There are many types that are quite expensive, but I try to buy rice that is under 1000 yen.

    Take care!

  3. with the red and green accents it looks like a xmas-y present on first glance...kinda cute!

  4. I just saw this at marukai! The little bag was $22.99 on sale, but I think it was brown rice.

  5. it does look christmas-y, Rowena :)

    whoa?! V...

    Take care you two.


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