Wednesday, January 04, 2017

the past couple of days

Happy New Year!

On the first day of 2017, we had ozoni.

After breakfast, we then went to do hatsumode (first prayers for the New Year).

Dinner was o-sechi (thankful for pre-made o-sechi foods!).

If you are interested, I've written about these things in detail previously here.

On the second, we visited MIL.

She had some o-sechi foods and asked us to "embellish", so we picked up other foods to have with her o-sechi.

It was nice to visit with her and BIL also stopped by in the afternoon.

On the third, we visited our neighborhood cafe for breakfast then had this cute teriyaki chicken man (bao/bun) for snack from Lawson.

It is the Year of the Rooster this year, so they had this version.

Satoshi is back to work today, so I have some time to blog as well as do some laundry...

We also went to Nara a couple of days after Christmas, so I hope to write posts about this soon.

Hope your year is off to a great start.


  1. Happy New Year Kat! I saw that Lawson bun online, so cute!!

  2. it was tasty too K! Happy New Year!

    Take care.

  3. I'm just getting out of my winter flu funk, so hope to be blogging soon :). ♥♥♥ the roostah bao!

  4. hope you guys are feeling better, Rowena!

    Take care.


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