Tuesday, February 07, 2017

chocolate season

With Valentine's a week away, chocolate season is in full swing.

I didn't check out Salon du Chocolat (Osaka) this year, as the space that they hold this event at is so teeny and it is always so krazy crowded!

I hear the Salon du Chocolat in Tokyo is now being held at a huge convention area called Tokyo Forum.

I am still hoping we can check out the one in Paris soon!

The other week though, I did check out Hankyu's chocolate fair...

Patisserie Sadaharu Aoki's canelés in plain and chocolate. I enjoyed the chocolate one more as it was tender, the plain seemed a bit overcooked and hard.

Osaka Tsuruya Hachiman's chocolate dorayaki...chocolate is mixed with sweet bean paste...the chocolate flavor was super light.

Kamakura Ca.Ca.O.'s dark chocolate tarte...super rich! The crust was flaky and the inside chocolate pudding was really rich and chocolatey.

Over the weekend, I dragged Satoshi to try this...Es Koyama's soft serve.

Ethiopia Blue Nile Coffee paired with Peruvian Piura 63% chocolate. We enjoyed this. It wasn't too sweet nor were either flavors overpowering.

It was nicely balanced.

Love this time of year...


  1. I'm not going to Milan's salon du chocolat but am impulse-shopping on stuff at the store, which reminds me, I better snap a photo before I eat'm all - teehee!

  2. oops...forgot to mention that I loved the part where you "dragged" Satoshi :), I "dragged" MotH to see the chinese new year celebrations in Milan, but half way there (in the car), it started to rain and I know how much he HATES being out in it. we switched to plan B: shopping at Ikea. oh well.

  3. Coffee and chocolate soft serve !!! I hope they have it at Hanky chocolate fair next year ! I always go to Osaka in January, good time for sales and Valentine's Day events.

  4. Jalna, :)

    ooh hope you upload that photo Rowena :) bummer that you had to change plans, but nice you got to go to IKEA.

    Take care you two.

  5. I think the Missus would go nuts over chocolate dorayaki.

  6. She would go crazy over here Kirk!

    Take care.

  7. I hope you get a chance to try chocolate things here Jo!

    Take care.


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