Thursday, February 09, 2017


Most homes in Japan do not have central heating.

You could look at that as being a "bad thing"...but I like the fact that I can use my hallway as a makeshift refrigerator...storing veggies and other items that don't fit into my "real" fridge.

Do you have central heating in your home?


  1. It's so cold where I am that in winter, my front step is my extra freezer! But thankfully our homes are well insulated and we do have central heating. If only heated floors and heated toilet seats were more common!

  2. No heating needed here Kat! We did get a portable S/C because Frankie gets really hot sometimes....

  3. same thing here on the makeshifting -- down in the laundry room or outside on the picnic table when it's cloudy. I use Maddie or Mister B as warming "foot pillows" ^-^

  4. I remember my obaachan's house in Japan being so cold that butter could be left out all the time and dat buggah was totally solid. I remember them hanging clothes and it would get all crunchy and stiff but it was dry. This was a long time ago, but since my grandparents were elderly the city had a program where they installed central heating and a/c free of charge on the first floor. They took care of their elderly, we were amazed. -N

  5. I can only imagine what it is like where you are Rona! Please stay warm!

    Frankie must be so happy, Kirk!

    Jalna, And it doesn't make noise like an ice machine....

    Take care everyone.

  6. When I lived in an old house in Ikoma I did that too, well the whole house was like a fridge to be honest. We had kerosene heaters in every room , but at night it got really , really cold . I do not miss waking up in a freezing house , but I do miss being able to roast sweet potatoes on top of my kerosene heater, mind you I think my husband was happier when we had sake warming in a pot of water on top of that heater ....

  7. such nice memories N! thanks for sharing.

    our apartment doesn't allow kerosene heaters, Jo, so we all are supposed to only use our a/c heaters...I have seen others in our building bringing in kerosene though...

    take care you two.

  8. I wish I had pets to keep me warm during winter too Rowena :)

    Take care.


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