Thursday, March 23, 2017

2 more to go

After taking the zabuton out of their covers...I realized I have 3 blue ones and 3 creme colored ones.

Yesterday, I went back to MUJI to pick up 2 more zabuton and worked on changing the innards.

I'm happy I am getting faster at doing this.

I will probably go back to MUJI over the weekend to purchase the last 2.


  1. The zabuton look nice and comfy plus the color is a really lovely shade of blue. I didn't notice the color at first from your previous post. Good job!

  2. Wow they are so pretty! I was very very upset to learn that my mom used all - every last one of them!!! - to make zabuton covers when we were growing up. We of course had beautiful silk and brocade ones, but wish she saved one kimono for me! But nope she used 'em all up. She hand sewn each zabuton too....obaachan use to be a kimono maker so mom learned from her. Still get upset to this day about that!! N

  3. Thanks Jalna, I gotta finish this before I lose my mojo :p

    Thanks Anon, I think the photo in the first post was a bit dark... :)

    Take care you two.

  4.'ve got a streak going Kat!

  5. N, my grandma used to sew kimonos too...bummer your mom used all of them for zabuton.

    Thanks Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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