Wednesday, March 29, 2017


When we first moved to Japan back in 2001, the "trendy" food items in the US would usually take several years before catching on here.

These days though, it seems that a lot of "trendy" food items can be found more easily.

I recently found these snacks at Lawson under their "Natural Lawson" brand.

Coconut & Amaranth cookies...the cookies remind me of anzac biscuits.

Manuka Honey glazed almonds, crunchy and doesn't stick to your teeth.

Coconut sugar chocolate.

72% cacao & bits of coconut has a slight crunch to it...delicious!

What are you enjoying these days?


  1. yep, I agree that trends and trendy stuff are crossing the seas much faster. now, if only flying between continents would catch up as well!

  2. I know Jalna :)

    I agree with that Rowena :)

    Take care you two.


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