Wednesday, April 12, 2017

sakura walks

Monday, the weather was really cloudy and since I ran some errands, I didn't really get to check out any cherry blossoms.

Tuesday, the winds were krazy (like a typhoon) and rainy. AND we had a cold snap...brr!

Today, I went to check out my "usual" spots...(If you click on the photo, it should run the short video.)

Most of the cherry blossoms were still intact, but there were quite a bit of petals on the ground.

Tomorrow is supposed to be better weather, so I hope to check out more cherry blossoms...


  1. I was able to watch the video. It's just gorgeous, like it's snowing pink. I always look forward to your Sakura posts.

  2. Crazy weather you guys are having Kat!

  3. I'm glad you were able to view this Alibaba37:)

    indeed Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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