Tuesday, May 02, 2017

mitsuaki iwago

We checked out Mitsuaki Iwago's photo exhibit at Hankyu Department store...600 yen per person.

He is a well-known animal photographer in Japan.

This particular exhibit focused on a family of cats on an apple farm in Aomori prefecture, over the course of a year.

It was nice to see the seasons change as well as see these cats "grow-up".

Very relaxing moment.

How cute is the entrance ticket? You can use it as a bookmark afterwards.

I'm glad we got to go to this exhibit.


  1. I like that photo Kat. I have a bunch of ticket stubs from various temples and museums in Japan that I use for bookmarkers.

  2. LOVE it! and it gives me something to google hehe...

  3. Totally worth the price of admission to me!

  4. I've started putting some of the stubs into my journal, Kirk :)

    Rowena, :)

    indeed Jalna!

    Take care everyone!


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