Tuesday, May 23, 2017

salmon takuan rice

The weather has gone from cool to broiling hot!

Over the weekend, the temps were said to be July/August levels...gah!

Anyway, I wanted to share this easy recipe.

We stumbled upon this combination when we bought a couple of musubi from a sozai (pre-made food) shop.

For 1 cup of cooked rice mix in 30 grams of flaked salmon (I used a bottled type) and 30 grams of thinly sliced takuan.

Add a sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Serve in chawan (rice bowl) or make into musubi.

NOTES: For this version, I don't wrap the musubi in nori.

We just eat as is.

So delicious, we love the sweet crunch from the takuan and salty from the salmon.

I've already made this twice and it is quickly becoming a favorite of ours.

Hydrate everyone, summer is here!


  1. temps over here have taken a turn too, but I don't think as hot as yours. it's beer season (love your easy rice dish!).

    ps - thanks you guys for the birthday greeting!!!!

  2. Thanks Jalna :)

    beer season, whoo, Rowena, hope you have a great birthday!! that postman was quick!

    Take care you two.


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