Monday, May 15, 2017


Sorry it's been quiet here...

We had a bit of "excitement"....

Before Golden Week, Satoshi had to go in for a procedure.

I wasn't present when he received his results, so wasn't totally sure as to what had to be done.

When I asked him what the doctor said, it sounded like he needed to put a heart stent in...of course, I freaked out (on the inside)...

I asked family and friends for prayers and good thoughts (Thank you!).

We went to visit MIL, so she could sign some forms for his hospital admission...

The day came and as I went to watch him go into the operating room, the nurse mentioned that it could be as fast as 30 minutes or as long as 4 hours...

Since I wasn't too sure when he would be out, I grabbed something to eat and then waited for him to come out of surgery.

30 minutes later, he was back...

The doctor came to talk to us and explained what had happened.

It turns out he only had a cardiac catheterization done.

When they put the dye in, the area that they were concerned with had a "nice flow" so they didn't need to put in the stent...whew!

They are lessening his meds (on a trial basis) and he was discharged the next day.

After Satoshi was discharged he was having some trouble with his lower back, we thought it was from sleeping too much...or maybe there was some kind of complication?

Then this past Wednesday night, he was in pain...even crawling on all fours to the bathroom at one point...eep!

Thursday morning we called the hospital and they recommended that we go to another hospital (one right across the street from the one Satoshi goes to) because their outpatient services were krazy busy.

I was amazed with this teeny hospital across the street...they took Satoshi within minutes of filling out forms, x-rayed and gave him a lumbar epidural steroid shot for his pain and we were out of there within a couple of hours.

It turns out while he was hospitalized for the catheterization, he was probably sleeping in an unusual position which paired with bad posture made his lower back go all wonky.

So, thankfully he is on the mend, though if the pain does not go away within a week or so, he may need to go in for more tests.

Hoping that he will be pain free soon...have a nice week everyone!


  1. I'm so glad things are okay health wise for your husband and you! I had to chuckle a bit when I read that his mother had to sign paperwork to admit him. I guess it is a Japanese thing.

  2. Oh my!

    Glad to hear Satoshi didn't need the stent. I hope he continues to get better.

    Cycling Walking Eating Talking

  3. Wow, Kat. Thanks for letting us know. Hope things work out okay.

  4. Prayers and positive energy to you both! -R&S

  5. A whole ot of prayers to Satoshi and you Kat! I am so sorry to hear about this...ugh...take it easy and please get better!

  6. I'm glad Satoshi is feeling better...and you too I assume. Best wishes for a quick recovery! Take care!

  7. Oh wow, glad everything is better! Take care.

  8. How scary! You take care too!

  9. Thanks Anon, we had to ask MIL to sign because they wouldn't allow me to sign in two places of the form :)

    Thanks TK!

    hope so Jalna, thanks!

    Thanks R & S!

    Thanks Rowena!

    Thanks Kirk :)

    me too Mich, thanks!

    indeed V, thanks!

    Take care everyone :)

  10. I'm glad to hear Satoshi is feeling much better. Take care.

  11. So sorry to hear this Kat, hope Satoshi is pain-free and doing better now. Thinking of you both!

  12. Thank you Teri, he is feeling much better :)

    Thank you LJ, we appreciate all the good thoughts!

    Take care you two.


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