Thursday, June 22, 2017


So, I doctored the ume jam up.

I decided to use the formula I use when I make yuzu marmalade which is 1 : 1 (fruit to sugar)...

As I was measuring out the sugar, I ran out...and it was raining cats and dogs yesterday, so I just made do with what sugar I had.

Luckily, it was about 80% of the amount I needed...

We tasted the jam this morning, it is tart but not sour.

I'm glad I was able to save this, it would be a shame if I had to throw it out.

NOTES: next time I'll taste the fruit...and decide what percentage of sugar to add, instead of just relying on the recipe given.


  1. Glad you were able to salvage it!

  2. me too Jalna :)

    Take care!

  3. I bet it would still have been a delicious base for a beverage, like yuzu-cha. Then you could have still added additional sweetener as you used it!

  4. Thanks Rona! I think you may have been right!

    Take care.


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