Thursday, July 06, 2017

city bakery

Krazy weather this week...Tuesday, we had a typhoon pass over, luckily we didn't have any damage.

Then yesterday, it rained

Kyushu wasn't lucky and got hit the hardest with flooding and landslides.

I hope they find those missing and are able to return to their daily routines soon.

On to today's post...the last time I had a shakerato, was when I tried it for the first time at Coffee Labo Frank.

When I saw it on the menu at City Bakery, I didn't see the "alcohol" written next to it...

City Bakery's version has some red wine in it...

Not the best choice with breakfast (mixed berry scone)...but as reader V says..."it was 5 somewhere"

Am looking forward to trying their espresso soda (non-alcohol) next...


  1. Hi! I just wanted to thank you for posting. I found your blog because I googled the difference between onigiri and musubi, and when I found out you're from Hawaii, I had to read more—because I'm from Hawaii too. :)

  2. I'm using v's comment the next time there's some alcohol to be tasted -- so true!

  3. Thanks for commenting Onigiri075, appreciate it and hope my post was helpful!

    you go Rowena :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Red wine for breakfast Kat! Now you're living the life! ;o)

  5. Kirk, he he!

    Jalna, funny yeah?!

    Take care you two.


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