Friday, July 28, 2017


Warning: this post is about semi (cicada)...

When I was in Tarumi the other day, I noticed several trees loaded with semi (cicada).

If you are looking at this post on a smartphone, pinch the photo to'll see all of them.

I also lightened the photo, so it is a little easier to spot them all...

Midori and I were sort of screaming as we took the photo...eek!

If you are interested in seeing the video I shot of them a few years back you can click here, to hear just how noisy they are.

Tidbit from Satoshi: only the male cicadas chirp...

Hope it is cooler and quieter where you are...have a nice weekend.


  1. wow, it is creepy picture! that time I was in fukuoka, we were walking to the fukuoka tower and the noise from the cicada was deafening. With all the trees lining the the walkway, I couldn't see any cicada so was wondering where they hide. What was so amazing too was when we came out from the tower, the noise had stopped completely! Maybe when one chirps, they all have to one up....or you think they all scored hahaha. v

  2. I would be screaming too!!

  3. you get to see 'em....I never do because they always go quiet when I approach the tree! we are forecasted for the return of high temps (30°+) -- it's been so nice these past few days at a comfy 25°!

  4. that is funny V! but yeah it is super deafening! I feel sorry for the people who live right next to sakura trees! or next to trees in general.

    krazy yeah, Jalna?!

    stay cool Rowena, we've been in lower 30s for the past 2 or 3 weeks..I think the highest we went was 35?!

    Take care everyone!

  5. I've heard cicadas going crazy my mom would have said "yakamashii"

  6. totally yakamashii Kirk!

    Take care.


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