Tuesday, August 15, 2017

champions malasadas

I don't quite remember when my Aunty M told me that Champions Malasadas was closing...

They are still looking for someone to take over their business, so this trip back I made sure to get my fix in.

The price is $.90 (plus tax)...a little higher than the last time I had them, but still under a dollar.

When the business changes hands, I hope the quality won't change...

The malasadas are still light and fluffy..and will always be my favorite.


  1. I think I forgot they were closing. That's how it is with me nowadays . . . after awhile old news becomes new news.

  2. that's too bad, but hopefully the new owners won't disappoint!

  3. you so funny Jalna :)

    Rowena, I know...

    Take care you two.

  4. Seems like a bunch of places are closing these days KAt!

  5. so sad, Kirk :(

    Take care!


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