Wednesday, August 02, 2017

la tour cafe

I think I tried this sandwich back in December when I came back for a family emergency...

I love all the "stuff" in this sandwich from La Tour Cafe...

Albacore tuna salad with cranberries, fennel seeds, capers, almonds, avocado & hummus...their housemade chips are super crispy too.

Gotta try to recreate this one.

What did you have for lunch?


  1. I had miso soup and broccoli salad.

  2. I was salivating when I read through the ingredients!

  3. That soundwich sounds delicious! I had saimin! I'm in Hawaii for vacation :)

  4. Very nice Kat! I had some red cooked pork and dumplings for lunch yesterday.

  5. yummy Jalna!

    really want to try making this at home Rowena :)

    enjoy Baconita!

    delicious Kirk!

    Take care everyone!


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