Sunday, August 20, 2017

library card

On this trip back, I tried to use my library card to borrow a few things.

But, I guess it had been awhile since I last used it because in that time, they had placed expiration dates on the cards and mine was expired.

So, I had to go down to the library, show ID and renew the card (no charge).

There were a few cookbooks I was interested in, so flipping through them through the library was a nice way to actually see them before buying.

Also, I was able to borrow a season of a TV show on DVD for a dollar.

I appreciate the library also transferring books that I wanted to see from one library to a library closer to me.

Do you use your public library?


  1. OMG I love my library --though I'm very upset at the Waipahu branch right now (I called them the Nazi Librarians) - and I borrow audiobooks to listen to while driving back and forth from town plus I read e-books (no penalties if it's late as it gets zapped off my Kindle and I can't damage/lose them). I always tell myself I AM NOT going to browse, will not, cannot...and before I know it, I'm weighted down with books. *sigh* Plus it's easier to get out of print books and yes, I get 'em transferred from the different libraries. Love it. Hate the Nazi Librarians. -N

  2. Yeah re: getting a new card.

    Now you can use the Overdrive app.


  3. N, what I cannot get used to is their varied times of the PC library is closed on Saturdays! I think those e-books must be neat, you don't need to return them, it just disappears...hope your librarians get nicer...

    Will have to see if it can be used here TK! Thanks for the tip.

    Take care you two.

  4. My library card is so old it's green colored.

  5. I guess you would need a new one then Jalna :)

    Take care!

  6. I can't remember the last time I went to the library Kat.

  7. must be a while then Kirk :)

    Take care.


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