Wednesday, August 23, 2017

mauna kea tea

Glad I got to check out the Made in Hawaii Festival.

All kinds of food items, clothing, knick knacks and crafts that are made in Hawaii.

Jam packed with all sorts of vendors.

I'm glad I got to pick up this green tea made by Mauna Kea Tea.

The tea is grown on the slopes of Mauna Kea and is organic.

Can't wait to share this with Satoshi.


  1. Aloha Kat, I hope the two of you enjoy the tea as much as we enjoyed meeting everyone at the festival.

  2. sounds like soooo much fun! hope you got some other items.

  3. More stuffs for me to look out for next time I'm home.

  4. Thanks Kimberly! I look forward to trying your other teas!

    my aunty bought some crack seed and chips Rowena!

    hope the Missus will get to try this Kirk!

    Take care everyone.


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