Wednesday, August 09, 2017

mr donut's & bakery

Not sure when or how I heard about Mr Donut's, but I do remember that Jalna, checked them out.

FYI: They are not the same company as Mister Donut (MisDo) in Japan.

Anyway, since I was near the shop yesterday, I went to check them out.

I bought their apple fritter...HUGE!

Bummer though not much apple in it.

If I do go back to the area, I wouldn't mind trying the doughnut holes...

Mr Donut's & Bakery
134 Bishop Street
Honolulu, Hawaii
Phone: 808.545.2961
Open 24 hours


  1. I love apple fritters too! Didn't get it though because of the size . . . nobody else in my family woulda helped me eat it.

  2. bummed that there weren't many apples in there though, Jalna..we could've shared!

    Take care!

  3. Wow, that is pretty big. I'm lucky I don't have a sweet tooth Kat....or I'd be in a lot of trouble.

  4. And if it were closer Kirk, I'd be in a lot of trouble :)

    Take care.


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