Monday, October 16, 2017

shopping foodie friday in osaka

You know how in Osaka we say "kuidaore" (coo-ee-dah-oh-ray = eat until you drop)?

Well Friday was "kaidaore" (kah-ee-dah-oh-ray = shop until you drop) as I got to meet up with Reader V since she is in Osaka at the moment.

If you remember, we first met up with Jalna over the summer.

It was funny because when we first met she said, "I thought you would be at least 200 pounds with all that you eat!"

Anyway, she had a nice amount of items on her shopping list, so we went together to Namba to hang out and to tick some those shopping list items off.

Within minutes of Takashimaya opening we ticked off a couple of the places she wanted to shop at and then headed to MUJI.

We then walked from Namba to Honmachi, stopping for a caramel pudding with coffee jelly (gelatin) break at Starbucks.

And then more shopping at a shop specializing in mainly bags and containers for shops called Shimojima.

(I love this place because I can buy muffin papers and other kitchen things here for reasonable prices.)

Back in Umeda we had lunch at a dashi chazuke shop called En and then had espresso sodas at City Bakery.

It was super grey and raining off and on, but all in all it was a whirlwind shopping day and I am glad we got to meet up.

V was so nice to bring all sorts of goodies for these ulu (breadfruit) chips that I think she said her friend makes.

It was my first time trying ulu this way, so good!

Cropsticks will be perfect to bring on picnics.

Kula Strawberry Chili Pepper Jam as pupu (appetizer) sounds good with cream cheese and crackers...

One of my favorite snacks..Kind Bars...

And an introduction to Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimba manga character.

I hope she had a nice time and I am glad that we got to tick some of the things on her shopping list off!

Lots of walking, lots of talking and lots of retail therapy!

Thanks for a great day V!


  1. I know that I'd be eating, shopping, and walking til I collapsed!

  2. I loved loved loved reading this . . . had me smiling throughout.

  3. With everything I bought that day, I should have stopped shopping. Might have to ask some of my travel companions to carry a couple of pkgs for me. As you saw, i went back to starbux for more pudding and to try the almond milk frapuccino. Both really yummy.
    Also got in a fix of shrimp burger at lotteria and a shyogayaki bowl with okra and bonito at sekiya. Getting close to 200lbs I think! V

  4. I know when we meet up we'll be eating lots, shopping lots, walking lots & talking lots, Rowena!

    If you are coming this way Jalna, let me know, we can hang out too :)

    Take care you two.

  5. yikes V! saw your sugar coma on IG...glad you got to try the stuff you wanted to, even though it was all at once.

    Take care!

  6. Shop till you drop day, huh?

  7. Kirk definitely fun, :)

    Take care.


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