Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Friday, it was forecast for some snow.

Me, I just wanted to see some falling snow...but "someone" in our household said that "if it is gonna snow, it should stay frozen"...

How is this poor electrician...at least he had a tarp to block the falling snow. (click on the photo to see the video)

Apparently 7 years back there was another electrician during a snow storm too...

Saturday when we awoke...at least a couple of inches had fallen.

(click on the photo to see the video)

At least it wasn't a lot, where we needed to shovel (not that we have a snow shovel).

It also made for walking to the train station interesting, at least it wasn't slippery and the snow melted by the time we came back.


  1. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow......I still find such wonder in it Kat!

  2. you guys got the snow while we have the sun. I'm starting my veggie seeds already...

  3. as long as there is no shoveling involved Kirk :)

    exciting Rowena! can't wait to see what your garden will produce!

    it was Jalna!

    Take care everyone.


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