Wednesday, January 24, 2018

theo & philo

I recently stumbled upon these interesting sounding chocolates by Theo & Philo.

They are a bean to bar maker in the Philippines and their cacao is also from Philippines.

The green mango and sea salt was a 65% dark chocolate bar.

The mango was a bit undetectable so I was a bit disappointed.

The pili nut and pinipig was a milk chocolate bar.

I had to look up what pili nut and pinipig were.

Pili nut is a type of nut grown in the area and pinipig is a rice.

This was similar to a puffed rice with nut bar.

The chocolates were creamy and delicious.

I'm glad I got to try these and hope to find more chocolates coming in to Japan during this time of year.


  1. When me and Les were in Seattle we visited Theo Chocolate factory. I wonder if it's related.

  2. when you mentioned green mango I thought that sounded interesting, but too bad the flavor doesn't really come thru.

  3. I don't think so, Jalna, as this company only sells in the Philippines.

    I agree Rowena, at least I got to try it though :)

    Take care you two.

  4. I like trying new things too, especially if it's harder to get/unique stuff..

  5. especially if it's harder to get Kal :)

    Take care!


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